Hey guys,
I know it's been a while since I last posted, but I'm feeling a bit down today and need a bit of help getting through my anxiety today.
I've been doing really well lately with my A/P. I've been able to control my thoughts regarding symptoms and such but today for some reason can't seem to get past them. :(
I woke up yesterday with a bit of chest tightness, palpatations, slight pain that goes from my left to my right breast, shortness of breath and dizziness. All of these seem to get worse when I lie down and try to relax. I actually handled them really well yesterday and was able to get through them, but today I'm having the same issues but can't help thinking something is wrong. I KNOW I'm healthy. I've had my heart checked before, many times. I've been through these symptoms before, and I know they're not harmful but I can't seem to shake them. And I can't seem to shale these thoughts!!
Like I said, I've been doing really well with my A/P lately. Been seeing my therapist and even saw him today (of course while I was with him I had no symptoms, only now that I'm home I've been having them). I've been doing my CBT, my relaxation exercises, my breathing exercises and even though I have had the occasional panic attack, I've dealt with them and have been fine. Ive even been going to chiro regularly which has helped sooooo so so much(even he picked up on the breathing and chest symptoms). So why today can I not handle it?
I've also been doing my research and have come to the conclusion that I think I have PMDD which is like a really bad form of PMS as my symptoms are almost non existent until exactly 7 days before my periods are due to start and usually dissipate a few days into my cycle. Now I know I shouldn't self diagnose, but I wouldn't self medicate without getting a doctors approval first but it really makes sense. And treatment for PMDD is lifestyle change (eat better, exercise, etc - all of which I do none) so I'm trying to do better with that.
But like I said, I'm here now because my current symptoms are doing my head in (and I've got 3 days to go until aunt flo comes to visit. Lol!!!) and I need help just talking myself down tonight. I really don't want to end up in the ER knowing that everything is going to come back all clear.