Dear N.N.
Welcome to the A & P board and to HealingWell. We're glad you're here. You're in a very tough place right now and it's hard and lonely. But everything will be okay with time. You need someone to talk to and we can fulfill that hole for you to some extent, so it's good you found us.
Slowing down and thinking about the present moment is a good way to stop your thoughts from spinning out of control. Learning to slow down is integral to interrupting anxiety before it can build to a full blown attack.
When you're feeling anxious, ask yourself, "Where am I? What am I doing? What day is today? What am I wearing? What color are the walls?" Though they might sound like silly questions, asking them forces the mind to stop and answer each question, which in turn can distract you from the trigger of the anxiety.
Diaphragmatic breathing can be extremely helpful in eliminating the worst part of anxiety. Taking slow deep breathes without moving your chest but moving your abdomen when you inhale. hold your breath for a few seconds and slowly exhale while your abdomen goes back to its initial position. Make sure you don't move your chest (rib cage) when you inhale and exhale. Do the exercise for about 5 minutes and you will notice the big difference.
And of course looking into CBT therapy is one of the most recommended treatments for anxiety.
"Love yourself—accept yourself—forgive yourself—and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.
” Leo F. Buscaglia