You are not alone in feeling this way. I have a love/hate relationship with meds and the idea that I need medications is one I have had trouble accepting for years now. I also feel anxious about the side effects but most of all I worry that the meds will not work and then what do I do?
I have been on many of the meds over the years and some I have had to just make up my mind that I would take them for a determined amount of time to give them a chance ( 6-8 weeks). Others I simply did not tolerate physically and others I did not feel they worked.
I have tried more then once to go med free only to come crashing down so now I take my meds and do my very best not to make it the focus of my day.
Therapy has also been extremely helpful as well as coming here and sharing my thoughts, feelings and my ups and downs.
Do keep talking with us here as we know what your going through.