Hi I'm fairly new here so this topic may have been covered before.
I've had anxiety disorder/agoraphobia since my late teens but didn't get treatment untill i was in my early 20's. a major part is a terrible fear of getting physically sick or diarrhea (sorry to be gross) in a public place. I went off my meds in November and was doing ok untill I had my wisdom teeth out and it all came back again.
Any way to cut a long story short I looked up what serotonin actually does today (I don't know why i didn't do it earlier!!) and according to wikipedia 90% of the body's serotonin is in the gut. It regulates intestinal movements as well as mood, appetite and sleep. No wonder I have problems with my whole digestive system when I get stressed and my levels get out of wack! the doctors i've seen told me about
serotonin sure but not about
the connection to the gut.
Anyway that's my little epiphany for today.
Thanks and take care