Inspired by the post about
our good days, as well as the anxiety vent thread, I thought it would be a good idea to have a place to post the things that we have that are good in each of our lives.
These are the things we're thankful for, the things that still manage to make us smile, the things that can remind us that life is never all bad even in dark times. I think it's important to maintain as much positive thinking in our lives as we can, and to give us something to focus on and remind us that these are the things that we're working to get better for. Maybe it's as simple as looking forward to the weekend, going to see a movie, the family and friends that make our lives richer... could be anything!
Please share what those things are for you that make all of it worth it at the end of the day. Small or big... doesn't matter. Then remember to come back here and look at these things when those bad days are upon us, to remember the good we've still got going for us and the reason we work toward getting better.
I'll start with a few of my own...
I have a really great husband, I live in a rad little 90 year old house near one of the city's historical districts that was divided into apartments--the living room has a balcony where I can see a gorgeous maple tree that turns red at the end of fall. I have an awesome dog (Shiba Inu) that always gets excited to see us when we get home at the end of the day. I've got a house full of musical instruments that get played just about every day... and a pantry full of jasmine tea. I've got some friends that come over every Sunday and we play a tabletop game and eat like royalty. :D These are the things that always, no matter what, make my week worth all the crap.
Tell me about your happy things.