Sorry I haven't been on in a few days, I try to get on at least once a day and see if there's anything I can help with. I've been suffering so bad with low back pain for the last 4 days, so it's hard for me to sit too long (or stand for that matter).
Anyway, I wanted to give you all a quick update on my increase. Everything's been going great! I'm feeling much less anxious, although it's still there somewhat, but it's only been 6 days. I was actually thinking of taking only half of my xanax this morning, but it really does help settle the muscle tension in my back right now, so I took the whole one along with my 800 mgs of ibuprofen.
I'll try and get on more again once my back settles down. Just wanted to let you all know how i'm getting along.
Love and hugs!