i was shopping and i started sweating and then felt all flushed - my cheeks were red. i of course panicked since i had a sore throat too and though of course i'm getting a horrible infection.
i went to urgent care and wasted my money of course.
he said with the few hives on my face and red cheeks he thought i had an allergic reaction. i had been eating some See's chocolate the last few days i've never had before. did a stre-p test test - nothing.
so he gave me vistaril - haven't taken yet - if you have have, does it make you super drowsy?? i had taken 1/2 a klonopin since i was panicking so can't take it yet.
anyway, did i have a hot flash i wonder? i'm only 42 but maybe they are starting? ugh anyhone experience one and if so, how old were you?