Hi, I'm new to the board but have been reading it for quite some time. I have severe depression and anxiety disorder with panic attacks, plus a string of medical issues.
This morning I put on a swimsuit and went the YMCA's warm water arthritis class. I loved it! Doing new things (especially in a swimsuit as I've put on about 50 pounds in the past year!) is really, really difficult for me and I usually end up talking myself out of it. Well, I did it, ...got some exercise, helped my severe rheumatoid arthritis, and met some very friendly people.
Earlier this week I went to a fibromyalgia support group for the first time. VERY scary, but I met some wonderfully supportive people who I hope will become friends.
I'm feeling pretty good about those two accomplishments. I know to people who don't suffer from anxiety this would be no biggie, but I think most of you will understand why I feel good.