First of all welcome here to Healing Well, everyone here has been extremely helpful to myself and countless others and I know they'll do their best to give you the best possible advice we can offer. I can only speak from my own personal experiences though, and I have yet to completely master how to deal with the nervousness/panic attacks that I've been dealing with. The best advice I can offer you is to do whatever it is that you are comfortable with. Don't beat youself up over being anxious and nervous in certain places, I know that was/still is my downfall. I get angry and upset with myself if I get nervous or panicky in a certain situation, in stores, at certain gatherings/parties, etc. Accept it and just know that you're a little nervous in these situations. Trust in the fact that you've felt this way 100 times before and realize that nothing bad has ever resulted from it. So what? Little nervous? Nobody cares, nobody notices, I know we think everyone does but nobody does trust me. Wish I was so good at accepting the advice I'm currently giving, but believe me I know it's hard I struggle with the same crap all the time on pretty much a daily basis.
If the mindfulness and constant reminders aren't enough and you need something to relax, maybe you could benefit from a small dose of a benzo? Some benzos are xanax, ativan, and there was another I used to take that I forget. I personally am not a huuuuge fan of taking medications, but they help. Especially the xanax and ativan, but just don't get hooked on them or rely on them too much. They are very easy to get addicted too.
Best of luck, and I know you'll be fine. We always doubt that we will be, but we are. We just somehow deep down enjoy driving ourselves nuts lol