Thanks for the replies. Scaredy cat, yes, it is part of a broader issue. I guess it stems from my social anxiety. I am terribly afraid of people which only makes sense that I'm scared of the phone as well.. I am so afraid of how others perceive me. Afraid of what they think about
me, that they judge me. If I say so and so, it means that I'm dot dot dot. I feel so awkward when I speak to other people. I tend to blush a lot. It's a vicious cycle which I'd looove to get out of. HOW??
It's totally taking over my life. Will I ever feel normal again? I would love to be confident with who I am, regardless of what others think. I have tried telling myself over and over again that I am who I am, this is me and I am the best that I can possible be. But obviously I am not the best who I can be since this social anxiety is keeping me back from soo many things.