Posted 10/22/2012 6:37 AM (GMT 0)
OK i am taking cymbalta, its kind of helping me although it's causing me short memory problems. I have OCD and GAD. Anyway I have this going crazy/harm pure OCD that makes me check many things but there is one that is bothering me for last months. It makes me check things i hear to see if i really hear them or I hallucinated them , every time I try to ignore it but i feel , like any sound that i hear on the back i have to check it. I was just down stairs in the basement when i hear like on the back ground some noise like if my mom or sister where talking upstairs,I went and checked and they were all sleeping. When I came down I realized it could have been just noises from outside, or house noises anyway the sounds were not clear, but when this happens it scares me so much I am so scared of it . This is just an example of what happens to me. It can be with anything I hear some noise i think is weird I like freak out like OMG i am crazy and i get in to a panic attack. In all my life i have never hallucinated anything, this started to happen after like watching some movie i became afraid of going crazy, i never had any sound hallucination, or anything . Its never even a clear sound its more like a noise on the back, or the air conditioner that sounds like something, most of the time is nothing but I feel the necessity to check. I have gone to psychiatrist and they all told me i dont have pschizophrenia or anything . I know its ocd ;(!! but lately i been getting this checking urges i am so scared does anyone experience something like this ???I fear hallucinating like I think people that hallucinate don't even get scared about it . But I feel like OMG I AM CRAZY. This pill helps me like not feel so panicky.But still is scary, does anyone think this is could actually be hallucinations ? or is I should stop reasuring myself and ignore it because is ocd ;(???
Thanks for your help!!