Hello Everyone I usually post on the heart site but I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and right now I seem to be having them all day .
History on me:
Went to the Triage afew weeks ago because I was having upper GI pain so he also ordered ECG ..well to them it came back normal as they compared it to another one but I have never had that so I started to panic and went to my family GP. She also said nothing to worry about because all my blood work from July came back normal and my blood pressure is normal but she will send me tocardiologist because she knows I will not let this go...
Anyways did ultrasound on stomach-Normal did ultrasound on heart still waiting for response getting this sat ..I am freaking out ....
This morning I woke up and my heart was beating fast and hard ...I did have a dream but I didnt know if it is heart related or if it is anxiety ...so frustrating ....I hate this feeling ...
So basically
40 YR OLD Women
Thyroid problem
am not over weight ...dont drink alcohol and recently trying to quit smoking ....
Anyone have any suggestions ....
I have suffered from anxiety since I was 19 yrs old but never took anything always handled it myself.