I am glad to hear that you are going to be taking the prescribed dose now! This will most likely help you to stay calm and suffer with so much worry now.
Be aware, that when upping your dosage, you may initially have an increase of anxiety...but it will pass, so try your best to just get through it. Hopefully you will not have this side-effect at all though.:)
Have you had a chance to work on any self-help health anxiety material lately? There are books that I can recommend again if you need me to post them.
I would really encourage you to do everything available to you for recovery including therapy, self-help and exercises such as the ones in our Resource Guide. Keep trying them even if you have before and did not think it helped...you never know when things are going to 'click' for you and you start feeling the benefit.
These things really do work...just not immediately for everyone. It is a process that often has to be repeated/revisited, but I know they work...I am proof.;)
I hope that today is calm and panic free for you!
p.s. yes it is possible that you bruised your sternum...other reasons for this soreness could be costochondritis (benign inflamation of the cartilage) or stressful breathing/hyperventiliation, as well as chest congestion/coughing