While it is wise to be aware of how you are doing
physically, it is actually not helpful to pay close attention to your body at
all times. This is because your body
naturally fluctuates during the day and at night, and overtime. Thus noticing every little change provides
very little useful information. And worse - any change that is noticed is
worried about, and as worry increases, physical changes and symptoms tend to
get worse, and as this happens, checking and monitoring increases even
more. In other words, checking and
monitoring your body feeds into the vicious cycle of health anxiety.
In your case I am glad you are seeing a GI physician as he can do test to confirm whether or not you have any inflammatory bowl disorder and than you can deal with it.
I would also suggest you consider seeking out the help of a therapist. That has helped myself and many others here in the forum.
Do keep on talking with us and know we care.