Absolutely, this happens to me. When I find myself trying to hold all my fears inside and not talk
openly about
them I will usually have a mini-melt down as well as a rare major melt-down.
I always feel better after a good cry or a session with my Dr. Talking to family or friends about my fears helps and also writing in my journal helps to ease my fears.
It takes a lot of energy to have anxiety and panic attacks so when it is over I feel that your mind and body crave a rest so you feel better.
I have learned to turn my racing thoughts off and take a nap which helps me as when I wake up the problems do not seem so big. I also have a awesome dog who lets me cry on his neck. Good thing my best friend is not a cat........lol, as cats hate water.
I wish you well and remember to practice the breathing exercises from our resources at the top of this page.