Well, you did find an important component in the pursuit of feeling better. I found this site a couple years ago when trying to decided to have surgery for my terrible reflux. Found a pleasant surprise with the anxiety forum in the process.
I still have panic and anxiety, but to me, anything I find that provides some level of knowing I am at least searching for answers empowers me and makes me feel better. I hope you find the same.
I agree with Scaredy Cat, don't give up on things that you have only tried once or twice. Therapy helped me a bit, and I will take that over no help. I have taken Klonopin for years and want to wean off of it, so I am trying more natural approaches again. Just downloaded a mindfulness meditation ap from the HW home page recently. I am also trying a mindset in making sure I mentally push away anxiety. The more I pay attention to it, the worse it gets. This is easier said than done, but I will ride that mental thought process while it lasts.
My anxiety and panic is not all centered around health, it seems to come out of nowhere, but mostly highway driving, public speaking, and like I said, for no apparent reason. Having said that, I am starting to worry about my health and am now trying to find healthier approaches; eating better, supplements, yoga, backing down on my evening wine habit etc.... Again, just knowing that I am trying to do things that is better for my body will hopefully make me less anxious. I have never smoked, but I know it must be the hardest thing to stop, and probably in a way, it is what you use to curb your anxiety.
Good luck to you. This site has truly been a blessing to me!!! Welcome