When we have anxiety.....it is driven by fear and that is factual, no disputing that. Given that part, if we continue to fear and give into fear....it's a given our anxiety will not get better and likely that it can and will get worse. Until we begin to face fear and do things that make us uncomfortable...like exposure therapy...there is nothing to help us recover from anxiety. Many might hate to come to terms with that, but it's the harsh reality.
So when we learn some coping skills, at some point we need to use them to move forward and to do that we have to step out of our comfort zone...again harsh reality. But the rewards of facing our fears and making progress is well worth the effort and the uncomfortableness it took to get there. It sure beats having anxiety steal our quality of life away from us. To me it is like climbing mountains...might take thousands of steps to get to the top, but taken just one step at a time...sooner or later you can get to the top....hope that all makes sense.