He needs to try and really understand what's going on.
You are NOT psycho. You are suffering from a condition which you can and will beat, and could beat quicker with his help.
There is an article from the National Association on Mental Illness which explains panic disorder and how common it is (1 in 20). It ends with the line "Peer support is a vital part of overcoming panic disorder. Family and friends can play a critical role in the treatment process and should be informed of the treatment plan and of the ways that they can be most helpful."
That article can be found here:
www.nami.org/Template.cfm?Section=By_Illness&Template=/ContentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&Contentid=23050There's also a downloadable fact sheet there. If you think he's
open to learning, I'd print this and give it to him when he's in a good mood.
In the mean time, we're here to understand and care! Hugs to you!