Hello, I'm just wondering how to turn worry into something else instead of self blame.
If something goes wrong, I tend to blame myself, as I am the one who loses concentration, which creates the problem, but trying to concentrate more, does work often, on the other hand, I as a person do often get side tracked and if I were to either do something more slowly or more quickly, either way, in repetitive activity, there is still always a chance, I will lose concentration and make a mistake, or not know if I've made a mistake or not.
Either way, if I make a mistake, in a particular situation, I feel guilty. (maybe not in every situation)
It definitely depends on how important I feel it is, to get it right, but if I tell someone, they would respond differently depending on who I tell, and that in turn impacts on my view of the mistake depending on how they react.
One important thing, I keep telling myself, is that I'm doing my best. I'm not using this to get out of any mistakes, and strive to do better, but as a way to rationlise it and try to remain in self-satisfaction mode.
My anxiousness is not going away, and repeats itself, but I am trying to do my best.