Hello all, I am back from my short hiatus LOL!!!
So this week has been somewhat alot better! My leg pain and hip and back pain are better! The only thing that has been bothering me is this whole pcos thing and heart disease, I have been also freaking out over diabetes but hey at least I am not googling every little thing now, though I have been tempted and only fell off once, but I go and see my doctor next month so I think I need to talk to him about
how I am feeling, hope he doesn't think I am crazy like everyone else. This cyst thing is driving me crazy and I don't know where to go for it LOL. I just think it bothers me because I have such a cardiophobia and as soon as I remind myself I have it I remember I have a higher risk of having a heart attack (4-11 times more?!!!) It drives me off the wall and literally scares me to death to the point where I don't have any motivation for anything. I know that so many women have it and it isn't the worst thing to have but it is just plain scary.
There, once again I feel better just typing LOL!! Thank you guys for always listening to my rambling and the support!! You are the only people who I can confide in with this stuff!!!