Posted 10/3/2013 9:44 PM (GMT 0)
Now that I know for a fact what it is that I be going through at that time,I find myself wondering do I need to get rid of these woman hood things because they in rhe last few years haven't cost me nothing but great depression&today my anxiety is at a ten. And I feel like screaming in tears but for what? I don't know I just feel the need to cry&these mood swings are no joke,got me feeling like Iam bipolar but I know itsjust this dang Pms.. Ugggggh. I got to find something better to do to make these things more calmer&less moody,because this kind of cycle isn'r cool at all the up&down want to cry feel like crying cycle is not cool at all. Do my best to breath&just stay calm&keep telling myself that. Iam and will be ok I must research this to make this more easier for myself yet a long those around me,peace of mind and calmness Lord heal right now&take away the want to cry because it can be a bit much&Iam praying that I just get better because this time also mess with mt enemia&I don't need that problem on top of everything else and thats a fact there too.