cln,Your Dr. is correct in having you give up your meds for now however, if she feels you may restart the meds once you are at the 13 week mark, I would encourage you to consider her advice. You can also get a second opinion re taking your med while pregnant.
Deep breathing always helps me the most when I'm feeling anxious. It's also good to get outside and get some exercise, even if it's just a walk around the block. You might try drinking herbal teas - a good choice would be chamomile. If you drink or eat anything with cafeine cut that out of your diet. It only makes you more anxious. Read and watch relaxing things. Try to stay away from the news.
At my lowest point when I had depression and was in tears daily, my therapist encouraged me to get outside and walk. When I told her I couldn't go out if I am crying she told me to put on sunglasses.
I am here to support you so please know that you are not alone.