Yes. I had a mammogram last week that showed a "suspicious lump" and they immediately, right after the mammo, did an ultrasound....and they set me up for a core biopsy the very next day. Five samples were taken.
The path report came back listing what was found, but the surgeon wanted an MRI with contrast done (which I had done Monday night) along with a CBC.
So I just found out about the cancer a week ago...and have been driving back and forth getting tests done.
Thus far the plan is to start with a lumpectomy to remove the tumor, they also want to remove the precancerous cells they found, and are "strongly encouraging" I consider reconstructive surgery at the same time. The problem has been getting this coordinated, as I want it done before Jan because we have a large deductible.
After the surgery, I then go for daily radiation, 5 days a week, for 6-8 weeks. I'll get that confirmed or enhanced upon after I meet up with my oncologist. They're not sure I'll need chemotherapy as well, but want me to know they often follow up with a form of it for 5 years to keep things at bay.
So, a little over a week ago, no, I did not know I had BC.