Since I have going crazy, harm , self harm "pure O" OCD, going to a psychiatrists associates office its the most scary thing ever. I felt ashamed, I felt embarrassed, and guilty. I went to receptionist and the lady asked for " for who is the appointment? " I just said " ME!" she just kind of looked at me. Then when I read the papers that I had to submit with questions like " have you hurt someone? do you hear voices? do you hallucinate" I was hyperventilating, since I am afraid of going crazy this place is my worst nightmare so many scary thoughts , intrusive thoughts that OCD gives me. It was horrible
!!! There was a lot of people there kids crying and I don't know. Unfortunately this is the only option for me because therapist is not covered by my insurance, and my doctor doesn't know much about
anxiety disorders so I had to go there. They supposedly have good doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists and also offer some therapy. I hope is worth the trauma. Today I realized I hate to be out of control , or to look like I am out of control so for me. realizing I need to go to a place like that makes me very sad because I wish with all my heart I didn't have anything. I want to get a better job, I want to go to grad school and I am wasting my time worrying about
stupid things.
Thank you for reading I will wait for my appointment.