I have been having some weird dreams with my anxiety , and everytime I look it up it has something to do with my anxiety , I had a dream my ex boyfriend had a stroke right in front of me and I looked up the meaning and now I had two dreams first some lady was chasing me and then I was in my car sleep and a street person wAs being chased and jumped in the car with me and it was a big black cat monster that was chasing him , look below I copied the meaning of what it means to be chased in your dream ,,,,, anyone has dreams like this
Being chased is one of the most common reported themes occurring in dreams. While it could definitely represent a fear of actual physical danger in real life, it could also represent something mental. Being chased in a dream may be representative of an anxiety you have in your waking life. In order to solve the problem, put some thought into who or what may be causing you this anxiety – it may even be an aspect of your own self that is causing you to run.
The way you react to your chaser shows how you choose to deal with this anxiety. Do you run away? Hide? Try to outsmart the person chasing you? Confronting the chaser in your dream may show that you’re ready to tackle the issue in real life.
Take note of the distance between yourself and the chaser, as well. The closer the chaser is to you, the bigger the issue is in your life. If your chaser seems to be catching up to you quickly, the anxiety in your waking life is likely to be becoming more bothersome. A chaser getting lost in the distance behind you, however, may show that the issue in your waking life is starting to fade away.
Source: Dream Symbols & Their Meanings: Being Chased | Free People Blog http://blog.freepeople.com/2013/09/dream-symbols-meanings-chased/#ixzz2n5o9qt4i