Kitt has given you excellent advice, and I am sure that you will be hearing from her soon.;)
I just wanted to recommend the exercises in this link, specifically the Progressive Muscle Relaxation, that I believe will be a relief to you.
In response to your latest questions, they are directed to Kitt, so I will let her get back to you on those specifics...
...but If I could offer just a bit of encouragement in regards to your conerns surrounding your move.
Please take care of yourself first and foremost! If you need to abstain from certain activities to keep your anxiety levels/stimulation at a good level for you...then do so, without worrying about what others think.
It is about quality, not quantity. If you need to decline certain social events, then give yourself permission to do so. Who you are as a person will shine through when you are able to be present...and you will not be shunned by those who know what a wonderful person you are! :)
Best wishes!