In the almost 15 years now of dealing with PAD/manic depression&mild OCD don't need a doctor to tell me Iam OCD,because anybody who hits their shoes together a certain amount of times to make sure no bugs got in&it has to be same amount for each shoe. Shake jeans out a certain amount of times before I put them on&if I got on and forget to shake I will take off and shake before my mind can get peaceful feel as something is not right,will repeat things over&over like counting money or pills to make sure I have count right&will do it over&over until mind is at peace that I done it right are I tell myself no. OCD, mix with a bit of bipolar because Iam a hard to figure out person,some days I get up happy &other days angry&can switch from happy to angry in 0.2 seconds until I notice&ask myself what just happen.
And then Iam able to calm down&live in the now&I don't like being angry it just comes from no where,working on that because it has to do with people I let get under my skin as well as anxiety. 2014 mom says to ignore people& not let them stress me out,and when one mind become full don't let small thought eat on until it become a big panic attack / anxiety&cause major anger to keep my mind as clear as I can and stay away from news/bad stories that mess with thoughts to mess with mind to the point of making it as if it happen to self are what if&it is those what ifs that cause trouble&breath in&out keeping your mind focus on the air going in&out your lungs and sing can't think& sing at sametime&let the thoughts go that have to do with fearful things. And if you can't calm mind down start from feet& think as if your feet are like in snow&can't feel them&do with every part of body&keep focus on that&before you know it you will be sleep&want even know when you went to sleep,these are things that have been helping me. Knocking on wood praying that it keeps on helping me,for Iam not better but doing ok&desire to be some what normal again.
Post Edited (SoulNHealing) : 1/2/2014 1:52:08 PM (GMT-7)