Where do I begin
630 am ...took my son to bus stop , he got on bus , started my car back up did not turn back on
Was stuck in freezing cold , and had to call yow service ,,wait was 45 min , ok phone going dead , 20 min later cop rides pass and gives me a jump , ok thank god
Get out my car in my apartment complex and I fall in front of my door it wAs all icy out , so at this point I just go in lay back in bed try to relax ,
Well an hour later I fell the worst panic attack coming on , I try to calm down and then take a 0.5 Ativan , heart is pounding. And racing , won't stop , I call 911 , they take me to ER it's packed because of the cold weather so I'm there all say , get a EKG , and bloodwork and X-ray , all clean , come home , had to take a ride with my son father to hospice to take our son to see his great grandmother , on the way home my ex tells me about
type new girl he is seeing , was very stressful , came home got in bed and felt awful , head hurting from that Ativan that's why I hAte taking it , so finally because I can't live like this anymore in pain all say , I started my 25mg Zoloft , at 10 pm , I start a journal of it too I will write down , the time which will always be 10pm and any sued effects or if I fell weird or anything , I'm going to try for 30 days and see how it goes , after a yeAr and half of this , I gotta try something