Hi Jenn, I am on Prozac, it was about
10 years ago, and was able to kick anxiety in the butt, so I stopped taking it. Recently last year after a heart health issue, I started taking it again, and yes it does work, so well in fact, that at my last Dr. appointment, my Doc gave me a glowing report and said that I seem so much calmer, that is a big step for me. I went thru appendix surgery last week, never had a anxiety attack during my ER visit, before my surgery or after. I feel that is real progress for me.
Keep a positive outlook, don't stress out about
side effects or strange symptoms, they will make your anxiety worse. I have learned, when I feel an odd sensation or something else coming on, I forget about
it, don't obsess over it and it does go away. Just tell yourself, I'm fine, it's anxiety, and I will beat you! Best of luck to you!