Good Morning to All of the Members of A & P,I am expecting this week will be a busy week. So I will ask each of you to respond and support newcomers as well as each other - you do this so well already that this reminder is pretty much a moot point.
Scaredy Cat is on vacation headed to the Northeast of USA - now why would a California Girl do that when there is nothing but snow and blizzards out there? I know she is going to visit family and most of us would fight the elements to get home to visit family. Stay warm SC and I will see you on Friday.
It is that time of year for me to work on our taxes and as I do them myself ( hubby not good at some things or so he claims) I find taxes to be very high anxiety producing. Every January I promise I will keep everything up to date and every February I panic.
I know many of you read here in the forum that SC will be coming to MN this Friday for a girls weekend so I will need time to prepare a bit for her visit. We are excited to finally meet in person.
Kitt's Monday words of wisdom -
It is never about if you feel bad or not, that's not important, it's about your attitude
If you have faith and don’t fight or run away it will pass, trust me it will. You will have bad days and times again, just again trust that it will pass, don’t fall into the trap of fighting or running away from how you feel. You may have a run of bad days. Keep remembering not to fight so hard at trying to figure out why but let the anxiety move on through and believe that you are OK.
I wish you all a peaceful week.