Hahaha YES @ Littlewing!! I will think of all of you cheering me on, not creepy lol!!
It's not dental its an ENT surgeon at the hosp so I have to go through all the "preop drill" at the hosp which is adding to my anxiety. I can't take anything before it, they took me off my multivitamin a week ago because of possible bleeding-yikes! Im fasting from food/drink from midnight and all I can take is a small sip of water with ONE of my blood pressure meds (beta blocker) not the other one. Thankfully its supposed to be a local/iv anesthetic & not general..whew! The main scare was Cancer but the dr said its benign..so that is the bright side.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to comment and send me some reassuring words & prayers @ScaredyCat @Merrida @Littlewing ...you have no idea how much it means to me & jow helpful to my anxiety a few words can be
Time to breathe again... WOO-SAA, WOO-SAA...
That always helps lol snort snort giggle giggle (darn nerves have me snorting uggh)