It started off with pain levels reaching to the point of anxiety. Then no matter how hard I've tried making my rabbit happy, he still just bites me really aggressively. Then my phone shut down & wouldn't turn back on. Then my internet shut down on me. Then it all turned into a full blown panic attack, started hyperventalating so much that I am now light headed.
Then I started thinking about
how many posts I've put & thought "you all must think I'm just some crazy lady....:'( Then I started thinking about
how I'm not very liked that much. For some reason ever since I was young, like 1 st grade young the kids would like me until they got to know me then they wanted nothing to do with me. My teachers wrote notes to my mom, who is now deceased. (I was 15 when I lost her) I thought about
all the rejected foster homes and abuse I'd been through.
I started thinking about
all the pain I'm still in & how it's been going on 4 or 5 days of non stop excruciating pain. I thought about
how ill I feel daily. All my medical problems. How I feel like a freak. :'( Then I thought to myself "I am MISERABLY UNHAPPY" I hate my life right now. The kitchen sink/dishwasher/plumbing doesn't work in my house & I have to do all the dishes in the bathroom. I can't afford all the dr visits to get the care I need. The endo and rhuemy gave up on me. They act hesitant when telling me my test results. Will say somethings high, I ask what then they hesitantly go no-no-nothing.
I thought about
how every night I think "Lord, I really don't want to wake up" But the thing is I want to be happy, I want to have a happy fullfilled life. But I just can't. Then I started crying un controllably, whole body shaking, hyper ventalating, holding myself, hating who I am. I just don't want to be here! My birth mom was a total junkie, died when I was 2 & there's been so many times I wished she would have not had me so I would have never known how awful my life would be. I just realy need some comfort.....