I haven't been checking in too much because I guess pregnancy has "calmed" my anxiety a little bit! I haven't taken any meds in over 3 months (: That was a big worry of mine, but sure enough I have been ok enough not to take it, didn't think that would be the case ever again honestly! I have even been drinking coffee here and there (because I am VERY exhausted getting up for school at 530a.m. everyday!) and eating really healthy as always. Although I did wake up this feeling a bit shaky and rushing the kids around to school and getting myself to school it increased it quite a bit, so today has been an on and off heart palpitation kind of day /-: My Dr. did prescribe me propranolol for my horrible migraines lately and the heart palps, but don't want to take it being pregnant. After all, the Xanax calmed the palpitations, I'm just choosing not to take them right now because of pregnancy. Some days are better than others, in the beginning of these 3 1/2 months anxiety was pretty scary, I would cry and get very upset because I just want it to go away like it has in the past without returning, but we all know that may be wishful thinking... for most of us anyway. I pray all the time to be "normal" like everyone around me with no worries, no palpitations, no shakiness, no heart racing, I pray to wake up with no anxiety as morning anxiety is probably the worst feeling being I have a lot to do in the mornings. It makes me feel tired crappy and just sick feeling making me not want to do anything, but I have no choice. /-: I think that if I didn't have the heart flutters, I'd feel more comfortable. But having heart tests done and being told my heart is healthy, helps a LiTTLE. My Dr. said they're not normal, but they wont hurt me. I keep trying to tell myself that, but every time I feel them, I cant help but get all upset and worked up. I honestly think all these panic attacks over the years and being constantly anxiety ridden for no reason, has brought them upon me, which makes me mad because I blame myself! Grrrr.... !! Hopefully they will stop one day, if that's even possible?? Here's a question; has anyone ever had heart flutters for about
2 years and they go away eventually? Since my heart is declared "healthy" I'm hoping there may be a chance one day that they just go away. I would be a much happier person if I knew I didn't have to take meds to calm or stop them. I just need some reassurance that it IS possible that they CAN go away some day!???
Hope everyone is having a great evening! (: