Just curious if anyone else experiences anxiety/panic attack related issues?
I have noticed on several occasions while exercising (not excessively or at an intense level) that I will start feeling anxiety and since I wear a Polar fitness watch to monitor my heart rate/calories burned/etc - I can SEE my heart rate soar while in the midst of the attack. For example: I rode my stationary bike for 10 minutes and then moved on to do my treadmill (3mph) and while my heart rate stayed at around 118 bmp during the biking & the beginning of my walking it suddenly started climbing at a quick rate & the within seconds it was at 163 bmp. I had not changed the rate of speed I was exercising or anything else.
I should note - I am not "new" to exercising, I have been doing it on and off (more off these past few months due to my schedule) but getting back into the routine of it because I know that when I exercise it helps my overall state of mind and anxiety immensely.
The only thing that I noticed today prior to my anxiety rolling in was that I was paying very close attention (and quite possibly over-thinking some muscle pain I had in my upper back/shoulder area). You know, every darn pain has to be a "worse case scenerio" and in this case I felt my mind start to wander to the dreaded "heart attack" thinking. Ugh! I am 40 years old and even though I am overweight I am in overall good health. (No high blood pressure, no diabetes, no high cholesterol, etc and I am trying to avoid all of these at all cost by getting my weight down and continuing on with my healthy lifestyle change.)
Just curious if anyone else has experienced this and possible suggestions used to keep it at bay.
Thank you in advance for reading and any thoughts/suggestions.