hi guys. a tad stressed. my anxiety is through the roof. there has been some peoples stuff go on and today i had my echo done on my heart. (ultrasound) it was awkward, as he put me in strange positions, and that probe on your chest, mine which is very tight at the moment-made it that he had to push hard down on it. whilst doing this i was asked to hold breaths continually, and boy did i hold some!!! so whilst digging into me, in an awkward position that was hurting my back and neck we got done. that noise of your heart is yuck. all squishy. the beat was strong, he even mentioned it was a good. this made me feel a little better. sleep has been disturbed. too much on my mind. thinking i have done wrong things and stuff. stress. i will be okay. playing some pink floyd to calm the heck down!! i wish i had a chill pill. it is pink floyd tonight!!! not too bad.
see ya all soon.