Hi everyone ......
So my headaches have eased up , but I still have this weird head pains , tightened , feeling , I don't know quite how to explain it but I will try
I get little zaps here and there , I get then in my neck as well ,
My head feels like a band is around it , my jaw hurts , my face hurts ,
I get little priinkly sensations through out my head ,
Feels like , I'm off balance , or my head has crystal rocks in it , it I rise my eyebrows it's like I pulling
something like that ,
It feels like my head is going to pop or explode , I have bad thoughts that I might pass out ,
It's like I'm in the room with people but I'm not , my head just feels realt funny , like it shouldn't feel that way , my eyes have balk spots like shAdows , it just don't feel normal ....feel like it's just not right ......I went to the ENT specialist as well and I was fine , I'm taking iron pills because I'm have low blood which they say can cause heAdache , ....I feel like my words don't come out right , I forget stuff ... Is it all in my mind , it's scary ......... Uhhhhhh today I was wAlking and I just didn't feel right at all ...... I just can really explain it ......
I can't explain it , but it feels scary like something is wrong , not to mention the tingling in my hands and feet , and legs , and other scary pain ,,,,, it's so scary , last July is when my headaches stArted it was always my chest , they bam head stuff , it lasted a while then went away and in June bam the head stuff came back , I had a MRI , mra , and EEG , and ct scan done of my head last yeAr , my Neuro doc is sending me for another MRI , more so for a peace of mind and comfort , she says I had one last August and it wAs clean along with my mra and my EEG and ct scan , .....I'm waiting on my ins for the auth so I can get it done ........
Is this really all anxiety ........