i keep fighting, but the sword is getting heavy in thy hand. flail my sword for me if i can't. i am beyond exhausted, i am in a depressed state. a lot is happening. my bro is in a mess mentally and is going to sectioned in a CCU soon. they want him to go voluntarily. he is not aware of himself. his paranoia is intense. his fear is palpable.........he says in a stae of fear that his life is in jeopardy. i have pain and other medical issues giving me a hard time, and the sleep thing, i am just wrecked and can't function. need those glasses..........got to arrange them. got paperwork, medical to do and script
s to pick up. no energy just exhaustion. mum and sis are unwell as well. i miss my lady too. i feel so inept. when i feel like this i am sure my usefulness becomes aparent. my apologies to everyone. uam sick and tired of being sick. i'm retreating to my shell. it is getting too much for this little turtle.