I know how scared you are about
this currently...
Symptoms vary...but yes, I have heard all of what you describe many times before...
What is important is shifting your focus away from your symptoms...and toward your recovery.
Two things you know for sure, right?
1) You have been given a clean bill of health from your doctor...yeah! Embrace that truth!
2) You have anxiety. This causes symptoms, and health worries...adding to the symptoms, creating a vicious cycle.
These can compliment and reinforce what you are learning through therapy. It takes some effort to go through all of them...there are several modules to cover in one of the links...and the suggested exercises will need to be practice regularly...but it will be well worth it!
Health Anxiety - A Self Help Guide:
http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hypochondria/pages/introduction.aspxHelping health Anxiety
http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?info_id=53Health Anxiety- The Super Scanner
http://www.get.gg/docs/superscannerHelp break the cycle by doing the work in those links!
...as far as concerts? They are not dangerous per say...but for some people may increas anxiety due to the crowds and hyper-stimulation.
Please take the time to try the coping skills I have suggested. They will help.