dear motherearth3, Your posting brought back memories of a cruise I was on last year with my husband, sister and her husband. Woke up with racing heart and waves of panic and thought the same thing as you...why can't I relax on vacation for gosh sake?! My husband kept me from losing it and I finally took a klonopin (my therapist says the same thing as yours
After an hour I crawled out of bed and went to the casino with my sister and had a ball. WHY must we always be dealing with this? I keep thinking that there is a reason...perhaps it is just to help others get through it. My mother dealt with "nerve" issues as we were growing up and believe it or not, at 86 she still helps me sometimes by telling me "I've lived this didn't kill me, and it won't kill you either!"
It is disconcerting that we cannot enjoy our vacations though - it is supposed to help! I have learned a lot of new ways to deal with it though, and haven't had a harsh panic attack in months but live with anxiety daily. Listening to Claire Weekes cd and reading her book has helped immensely - you might want to look into it.
Hugs, Reepin