Hi LO and welcome!
I am sorry to hear of the current challenges your anxiety is causing you.:( It is understandable how these fears would manifest, as you have suffered many losses and have occupational triggers. Know that you are not alone in your worries, and that we have many here with similar struggles!
Have you had a consultation with your doctor about
treatment options? Like member Rrakkma mentioned, you may want to consider medication and/or therapy to help you to manage your anxiety. I personally went through CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and found it extrememly beneficial.
For now, check out our self help material from the Resources here. I have pulled the material specific to health anxiety and will post it below...but there is much more to be found in there...look at the top of the main page.:)
Health Anxiety - A Self Help Guide:
Helping health Anxiety
Health Anxiety- The Super Scanner
Keept talking with us if you find it helpful...support is key!
Scaredy Cat