Hi lamb,
I am really sorry to hear of your experience.:( I know how you must be feeling...I might do the same, as I dread medical test procedures. I hope that the staff was nice and understanding. I sometimes will get a sympathetic nurse/tech...but often they are so accustomed to the procedures and machinery...that they don't understand and can make you feel worse.;/
Have you rescheduled yet?
I am wondering if you could possibly get in to do a 'dry run'? Perhaps if you were to go in without the pressure of needing to stay still for the procedure...just to get the feel and prove to the anxious part of your mind that you are safe in the machine...?
You could ask if this is a possibility. Do you have a P-doc? This may be facilitated through him/her as part of
exposure therapy. It is worth looking into maybe?
For certain, you can practice positive visualization. This technique simply involves taking yourself through the process mentally, while using relaxation and breathing skills...all the while envisioning a calm and postive experience.
Doing either (or both) of these exercises can help to lessen the perceived threat from your phobia, and could help you to successfully get through the next scheduled procedure.
I also second the advice of Hibee to ask about the maximum amount of your benzo Rx you could take to help, yet still be within safe limits.
Wishing you the best!! Let us know how it goes if you'd like to check back. We will be here to cheer you on anytime!