Hi Everybody , so ok I know that I have heard a few of you talk about IBS wihich links to your anxiety issue but im confused on how the two works , i know that i had some of the stomach issues and been seen by GI doc and they went down my stomach 3x and always found nothing but a little acid , which i take omeperzole for , but the last few months my BM, have been funny actually the last year or was it just all in my mind , now the last few months i notice mucus like in that area and with my BM , sometimes it feels like pressure back there , so next wednesday im getting a colonscopy , as if i need another procedure , i been suffering fron anxiety so they say for the last almost 3 years now , and its always something , it really bothers me that before all this i was 100% FINE , now since 2012 of august i have stacks of hospital bills , etc and they never , ever find anything !!!! which i truly THINK GOD for .... Anyone that suffers from IBS can you please explain and how does anxiety play a role in this ...what are your sx ....... thanks