Wow... thank you guys for your sweet and welcoming comments! This has been quite the journey for me. I never had health anxiety until this past year. A Doctor had misdiagnosed me with Lupus over the TELEPHONE! And the previous year (2013) my Dad died of a massive heart attack while I was pregnant with my 2nd son, very unexpected. So these events have just caused me to develop the worst health anxiety. I assume the worst on anything! I google ALL the time! Ever since I had that awful headache that took months to go away. This horrible aches/pains have not gone away! I'm new to anxiety - I actually have an appointment with my PCP tomorrow to talk about
this. I had tried Lexapro in the Summer but it made my eye lids and calf muscles twitch so I quit. Can infact anxiety cause me to have all day/every day pains in the back of my head? Of course you know 'anxiety' makes me assume the worst like something awful is happening to me! I am 29 years old and a Momma to a 2 and 5 year old. I just want to get this under control and get back to enjoying my life and not focusing on my 'health' and that 'what ifs' anymore. Thank yall!