I am sorry you are struggling with this. It is certainly no way to start the day!
You know about
the morning Cortisol connection right? Well, if you can combat it with your tools to get through that challenging part of the day, then things get easier from there at least.
One way is with your Rx...but it sounds as if you'd like.to not have to always go there, unless you have to...
...so using your coping as a first defense will be a good plan.
First of all, try not to delay your bedtime. It is inevitable that you will be waking up. ..and getting proper rest will only help you.
When you wake up, immediately start your coping skills such as positive mantras, Breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, ect.
Exercise if possible is also a good way to burn off the Cortisol!
Hopefully this regimen will lessen your a.m. anxiety and make the mornings less difficult for you.