So I posted back in September regarding my intrusive thoughts with GAD. They were brought on during a really stressful period where I was on medical leave from work with an autoimmune disease. I was dreading going back to work, but when I returned on October 2nd everything seemed to turn around. Slowly but surely over the next six weeks I was able to relax, let go and enjoy my days. It wouldn't last, though. I had 166 hours of vacation available and I figured it would be nice to see my family in Texas for Thanksgiving so I scheduled 10 days off to spend some time with my wife, kids and my family in Texas. After 3 days off I woke up with a massive jolt of anxiety. Almost full on panic. I had been looking forward to this trip for weeks. Now I was frozen with fear. As with everything, I pushed through, shear force of will. Every day got a bit worse. When we returned home I thought I would be more relaxed in my own home, but I just began dreading what I figured would be another episode in the middle of the night.
I cannot pinpoint what caused this anxiety. In CBT we were able to find out what was bothering me before, and I beat this disorder(for a time). I often wonder why this is happening to me. I am a good person, I am charitable, kind, generous. What have I done to deserve this. I feel like a terrible father for constantly trying to relax and just have some alone time to ground myself.
I want to beat this, FOR GOOD! I don't want to be depressed. I want to be a great father, a great husband and a productive member of society. I have scheduled a follow up with my therapist but I just feel so defeated.
Is there anyone out there that has beat anxiety, I mean completely beat it, for a time, only for it to return? Can this awful disorder be beaten?
I'm feeling a little blue this morning.
**I will note, that in order to treat a flare up of my autoimmune disease, I swallowed two doses of flonase(fluticasone, a topical cortico steroid that is supposed to reduce inflammation in my esophagus) three days prior to experiencing this uptick.