At 25 I never expected to be in the sad shape I'm in now. I'm going to save the events leading up to my panic disorder, however, I saw your age and felt I needed to speak up. When my first panic attack hit me I was at work and subsequently thought I was having a heart attack! My fingers got numb, my wrists hurt and my heart dropped within my chest. I had one of my girls call an ambulance and during that time my heart went what felt like a rollercoaster of beats. First it skipped...I think... then it just started racing. It only took the paramedics 5 mins to get there, but it felt like an eternity. My heart rate was 170bpm!!! I excercise at 150bpm, so it was a bit much to handle, I just kept thinking that "this was it", "I'm dead". But of course it wasn't and I'm still alive. From the forums here I noticed that people tend to worry about
death alot as part of panic. Unfortunately, panic is so closely relates to heart palpitatons. I have them regularly, but less since I started Lexapro. Are you on any meds? If not, you need to talk to your doctor. What happens is a viscious cycle of you worring about
your heart, just randomly, which can lead to a palpitation, and you start yourself on a panic, the panic makes your heart race, so you worry about
your heart...sound right? Do you drink coffee? Smoke? Eat poorly? Part of my problem was that I managed a coffee shop which made it hard to eat right, and I'm a smoker. My doctor said that those are the three worst things you can do as a panic-er. After a few more panic attacks (at least I knew I wasn't dying) I went to the doctor and we discussed meds and diet. I went on Lexapro, and played with the dosage a little, after a few weeks the panic lessened. I also strickly ate healthy, no fast food at all. No coffee or anything else with caffine, I gave up every junk food invented. Sad sad sad... But 6mos later and 45lbs shed I felt great. I also would pose to you the question of your body, are you in shape? It helps alot if you know your taking care of yourself, you feel as if you're staving off disease, which makes you feel healthier and worry less about
possible heart problems. After all this I put some of the weight back on and started eating crap again, I feel miserable and notice the heart pains coming back. But I'm dieting again. I left the meds due to lack of insurance for the time being, but I definately have chest pains and palps again...So take care of yourself and body, it makes all the difference. Oh yeah meds do too! Considering you describe what so many others do, don't waste time taking tests you know don't give you answers. Focus yourself on making your body happy again.