Hi all, im so sorry i have once again disappeared into the wild blue yonder.......
Someone or something decided to molest my cable line outside, and with Thanksgiving, well they werent in any hurry to come and fix me up. I think i should get quite a discount this month though eh??? I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving holiday. I have slowly gotten better gettin around, started back to work today......Actually, i started a new job today, and now have to go give my two weeks notice to the library. Scarey thought, since my boss isnt the most friendly thing, and ive been out on medical leave for a month now. I hope she takes it well, but.....shes always been quite a good cause of panicking at work, shes always made me nervous. Im glad to say, that the new job (which is working for big 5, they take care of the mentally handicapped in many different ways, and they all seem very sweet. I did panic, and for the last two days have done nothing but dread and be scared of what would happen today, but of course its not near as bad as i imagine so far. My doc has upped the dosage of klonies, again. But, im not complaining, its been a rough month, and december wont be much better. I have been off work so long, i hope i can buy my kids at least one xmas present, im so sad about that. I will quit venting for now, and im so glad to be back, i miss you all and hopefully, this will not happen again :( Take care and hugs to all