ok this is what i did, and i was in bad shape in my opinion,. and i dug myself out of the worst part of it, i still feel low and anxious sometimes, but its definitely better!!!
first off i got MAD. said, i am NOT gonna do this, devil you get away from me....because that is what it is, an attack.
I started what my father calls, walking away my demons. haha i walked and walked, and walked you get the idea, in the winter, maybe just exercise best you can. it makes the feelings or anxiety subside. then you can think better when you feel better. releases feelgoods in your head.
secondly, vitamins, lots of water, NO caffeine. NONE.... and DEEP slow breathing.
eat banannas! brain booster. and read only positive things... for me, and i'm not pushing this on anyone, but i got a book, Battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer. She's a practical minister. On tv alot. I got great comfort in that. and pray! trust me it works.....
last, i go to sleep to a self help tape by a guy named Mike Brescia sp? anyway, website is www.thinkrightnow.com. The tape on depression and just anything you need is there. anxiety. all of it. You sleep to it, drive to work to it, work listening to it. They say repetitive words/phrases that get imbedded in your mind. You'd be suprised at what your mind still hears when you are sleeping.. i laughed when i first got it. he said stick with it, 30 days or money back. I was willing to do anything. and it works!! Just like anything we do, if you do it over and over it becomes habit. If you are a negative thinker (me) for years, it took you a while to get that way, so you have to go easy on yourself to develop new habits. check it out!
ps. doesn't hurt if you have animals at home. If it weren't for my pets, and snuggles at night for me, I am a single mom, i don't know what i would have done..