Hi guys,
I finally cracked and pushed until I saw a pdoc at hospital who wanted me admitted straight away. The unit I went to is pretty new and nice and only really had low level of ill people so wasn't bad at all once you get past the initial shock.
All they did though was increase my effexor xr and rivatril (something my private pdoc could have done months ago
). They also gave me a script
for Largactil in the liquid form which kicks in within 10 to 15minutes. The tablets were taking 2 hours to kick in.
The new amounts are still building up in my system so while I'm not as bad as last month I'm entering into the hormonal phase (it lasted 14days straight last month) so am really having to repeat positive thoughts to myself endlessly.
My private pdoc told me she was going to send me to an endocryologist and for more detailed blood tests to check if I'm going through an early change or I'm deficient in something then once I was released turned around and said she'll wait to see how I go this month
That was part of the reason I agreed to leave the unit before the new year thinking I had to be out for things to start happening and she did this to me.
Anyway I hope all you guys are doing ok? I did put my name down for a volunteer job one morning a week and are determined to ask the grandparents to do some babysitting so I get some time out. I've got to look after myself.
Wishing everyone a safe and healthy Xmas.