Well i had my disability hearing, I ended up flying up for it as the pass got hit by a big snow storm the day before as well as today we got over a foot of snow to boot and still snowing. I don't think I have ever been so panicy in my life that I even had a panic attack when the judge asked me my frist ? all I could do was mumble at first but the judge let me have sometime to get myself together and started just asking me yes and no ?'s and so on about
my anxiety disorder and other problems and in the end they had a voc. teck. guy there to that looked for some kind of a job that I maybe able to do with minimal contack with ppl and the judge keeped stopping him saying that he can't be around chemicals, so that was out then he looked for something else and again the judge said, he can not handly a confleck (sp) with ppl and at that time he said that he will talk to my doctor's about
my panic disorder which that had allready stated that I had a very server disorder and can't work.
So I guess I will find out in 60 to 90 day's if I won or not but my attorney feels that I have a very good chance that I have won my case. Man I'm glad that that part is over now, I feel like I have that heavy load off me now that I had my hearing.